
Adulthood - The Soundtrack

Album Art

The movie is out now!! Go watch it!

1. Bashy (Ft. Ghetto, J2K) - Over Here
2. Plan B - End In The Streets
3. Sway (Ft. Stush) - F UR EX
4. Th Clik Clik - My Dunks
5. Dizzee Rascal - Paranoid
6. Scarlett & Viva (Ft. Audio Bullys) - Kids Of The Underground
7. Sincere (Ft. D Double E, Scorcher) - Reppin London
8. Tinchy Stryder - 8- Follow - Tinchy Stryder
9. Eliza Doolittle - Running For Life
10. Adam Deacon (Ft. Plan B, Snakeyman, Blazay, Alphadecious) - On It 8
11. No.Lay - Bars Of Truth
12. Chipmunk - Who Are You
13. Lethal Bizzle (Ft. Kate Nash) - Look What You Done
14. Goldie Locks - Kids
15. Wiley - Grime Kid
16. Plan B (Ft. Jacob Anderson) - I Need Love
17. Kerry-Anne Leatham - Run Dry
18. Skrein - Reach
19. Adam Deacon - Adamhood
20. Shystie - Arms Wide Open
21. Bashy - Kidulthood To Adulthood


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